Recently, there has been a certain perception that progress made towards trans liberation has been going backwards, rather than forwards, due in most part to a wave of mainstream transphobia in the press. It is important to note that according to YouGov polls in February 2021, the general public largely support respecting an individual’s gender as that which they identify as. This war being waged against trans people is a few (very loud) voices, not the majority of the UK.

Humouring “debates” about trans people, often without trans people present to represent themselves, has painted real, vulnerable people as hypothetical villains by which to justify bigotry. Anyone who knows and loves a trans person can recognise these “debates” as dehumanising, offensive and mostly just infuriating – when we are reduced to sex characteristics, as feminists have always argued people shouldn’t be.

This peculiar obsession with the bodies of others is disturbing. As newspapers use trans bodies and medical transition for shock value, it is apparent our value is decided by how attractive and capable of reproducing we are within a patriarchy, even as children. Medically transitioning is not attractive (not to mention inaccessible), but if you don’t “pass” your identity will not be accepted, and if you adhere to gender norms in order to pass you’re “appropriating feminity”. To all intents and purposes it seems that we just can’t win.

And we can’t – a transphobe will continue to be a transphobe even if you follow all their rules for how to be a good trans person.

The notion that “gender critical beliefs” are essential and should be protected as an identity is laughable. The trans people in my life are gender critical. Discussion is not being stifled, we regularly criticise gender and sex and society’s perception of each. But we do so without dehumanising eachother, without calling for a removal of civil rights, and without demonising eachother as evil perverts.

The issue is not discussion, the issue is abuse.

It is exhausting for trans people to wake up every day and have to read and listen to the next person’s justification for why they are less than cis people.

Feminism is entirely necessary in the modern day, as women still face a myriad of issues – but trans liberation is not one of those issues. Gender equality for all is our mutual goal, and thus trans liberation and cis women’s safety are not causes in opposition to eachother.

An educational establishment categorising the demonisation and abuse of trans people as something to do with protecting women would be deliberately obtuse, evasive and disingenuous. More importantly, it would alienate trans people, who face enough already.

Let’s prioritise protecting our trans students and staff over platforming those who seek to divide our community.